When And How To Harvest Your Indoor Strawberries?

Автор: Billy Edwards 26.06.2023

Indoor gardening has increased a lot lately, and strawberries are one of the plants people love to grow. The taste of fresh strawberries is unbeatable, and harvesting them from your home garden can be such a delight. However, knowing when and how you should be growing strawberries indoors is essential to get the best taste and quality. Here you will find out how to harvest your indoor strawberries and when.

When To Harvest Your Indoor Strawberries?

The harvest time of strawberries depends on the variety and the growing conditions. Typically, indoor strawberries take around 3-4 months to mature from the day they were planted. In general, strawberries are ready to be harvested when they turn a bright, deep red color.

The fruit's size and the strawberry's sweetness also determine when to harvest. Here are a few signs to indicate that your strawberries are ready to be picked:

  • Red color: When your strawberries are a bright, deep shade of red, they are ready to be harvested.

  • Sweet aroma: The aroma of strawberries becomes more pungent when ripe, so if your plants smell sweet, it is a good sign.

  • Soft texture: Gently touch your strawberries and check if they have a soft and juicy texture. If so, they are most likely ripe.

  • Fruit size: The size of the strawberries also determines when to harvest them. The larger they become, the closer they are to being ripe.

How To Harvest Your Indoor Strawberries?

Harvesting strawberries from your indoor garden requires some careful attention and patience.

Here are the steps to follow when harvesting your indoor strawberries:

Choose The Right Time

Harvesting indoor strawberries at the right time is crucial for the best flavor and quality. Ripe strawberries should be picked when they become bright, deep red.

Use Clean Tools

Always use clean and sharp tools to ensure that you do not damage the plant and that the fruit remains intact. Scissors or pruning shears are ideal tools for strawberry harvesting.

Cut Your Strawberries

To harvest your indoor strawberries, gently hold the stem with one hand and snip it off just above the berry with your other hand.

Be Gentle

When harvesting, be gentle and take care not to damage or bruise the fruit. Damaging the fruit can reduce lifespan, and you may lose the strawberries.

Select The Ripe Ones

Select the ripe strawberries and leave the green or white ones to mature for a bit longer.

Store Your Strawberries

After harvesting, store your strawberries in a cool and dry place or put them in the fridge to preserve their quality and flavor.


Growing strawberries indoors is a great way to enjoy fresh fruits without having to go out and buy them. However, knowing when and how to harvest your indoor strawberries is important to ensure you get the best quality and taste of your plants. Remember to choose the right time, use clean tools, be gentle when harvesting, and select only the ripe ones. Once you've harvested your indoor strawberries, store them properly to preserve their flavor and quality. With a little patience and attention, you can enjoy the taste of fresh, juicy strawberries all year round.