writing teacher

Presentation Writing Service

Автор: WRITING PERFECT 30.11.2022

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Writing a report is easy with us!

Автор: Grase Freeman 28.04.2022

Hello to everyone who is in school or at university. If you need to write an urgent report or article, abstract. Just turn to a essay writer , and he will do everything for you, while you do more important things.


A report is a type of public (oral) presentation of information on a particular issue in the form of a detailed report based on the use of documentary data.

Scientific report - one of the forms of promulgation of the results of scientific research, a detailed presentation of a particular scientific topic, problem or issue.

The report combines three qualities of the researcher: the ability to conduct scientific research, the ability to present the results to the audience and qualified to answer questions.

During the preparation for the presentation it is advisable to prepare the text of the report, that is a document containing information about the subject and object of research, the rationale for the relevance and prospects of studying this issue, the main results, conclusions and proposals. Working on the text of the report - cpm hw help, you should remember that it is intended for oral reading and discussion, so it requires not only his possession of the material report, but also the ability to answer questions, to enter into a discussion and prove to the audience the correctness of the arguments and politely obtained results.

Depending on the content and volume of the material presented, a distinction is made between:

report reports - summarize the status of the research process;

current - give information about the progress of the work;

reports on research topics allow you to present the results of completed research work, such as coursework, thesis or master's thesis.

The most common structure of the report, which contains an introduction, the main part, the conclusion.

At the beginning of the report indicate the title of the work, the name of the supervisor, the place where the work was performed.

In the introduction explain the theme of the report, indicate the relevance of the problem, its significance, formulate the purpose of the report, set out the history of research on the issue.

In the main part of the submit a description of the scientific problem (it is advisable to highlight the main aspect of the problem, and then the main provisions, which in detail and consistently analyze). The main part of the report should not be overloaded with an excess of experimental data. The sheer number of results cannot increase the value of the paper.

Conclusions summarize the most important provisions, they should be clear and concise.

In the report, it is advisable to observe the polemical character, which will arouse the interest of the audience, as well as reference to previous performances.

When preparing the text of the report use professional scholarship essay writers , one should take into account that much of the important information is presented on slides, slides, or posters. Now mostly computer presentations are used. The speaker should use the illustrative material effectively, commenting briefly on it. This saves 20-40% of the presentation time.

Like the text of the report, the illustrative material should be as accessible as possible. On one of the slides or posters it is desirable to reflect the plan of the report, it will help listeners to better orient themselves in the material of the work. Graphs, schemes, drawings should be simplified as much as possible, leaving additional data on the oral comment.

Forming the content of the report, the selection of material, it is important to consider that the text, published on three pages, a person can read in 10 minutes. Consequently, the text of the speech can be from 3 to 5 pages.

The beginning of the report is crucial to creating a good impression in the audience. The speaker's language should indicate that he or she has a thorough knowledge of the subject and is well prepared for the presentation.

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Writing a report is easy with us!

Автор: Grase Freeman 28.04.2022

Hello to everyone who is in school or at university. If you need to write an urgent report or article, abstract. Just turn to a essay writer , and he will do everything for you, while you do more important things.


A report is a type of public (oral) presentation of information on a particular issue in the form of a detailed report based on the use of documentary data.

Scientific report - one of the forms of promulgation of the results of scientific research, a detailed presentation of a particular scientific topic, problem or issue.

The report combines three qualities of the researcher: the ability to conduct scientific research, the ability to present the results to the audience and qualified to answer questions.

During the preparation for the presentation it is advisable to prepare the text of the report, that is a document containing information about the subject and object of research, the rationale for the relevance and prospects of studying this issue, the main results, conclusions and proposals. Working on the text of the report - cpm hw help, you should remember that it is intended for oral reading and discussion, so it requires not only his possession of the material report, but also the ability to answer questions, to enter into a discussion and prove to the audience the correctness of the arguments and politely obtained results.

Depending on the content and volume of the material presented, a distinction is made between:

report reports - summarize the status of the research process;

current - give information about the progress of the work;

reports on research topics allow you to present the results of completed research work, such as coursework, thesis or master's thesis.

The most common structure of the report, which contains an introduction, the main part, the conclusion.

At the beginning of the report indicate the title of the work, the name of the supervisor, the place where the work was performed.

In the introduction explain the theme of the report, indicate the relevance of the problem, its significance, formulate the purpose of the report, set out the history of research on the issue.

In the main part of the submit a description of the scientific problem (it is advisable to highlight the main aspect of the problem, and then the main provisions, which in detail and consistently analyze). The main part of the report should not be overloaded with an excess of experimental data. The sheer number of results cannot increase the value of the paper.

Conclusions summarize the most important provisions, they should be clear and concise.

In the report, it is advisable to observe the polemical character, which will arouse the interest of the audience, as well as reference to previous performances.

When preparing the text of the report use professional scholarship essay writers , one should take into account that much of the important information is presented on slides, slides, or posters. Now mostly computer presentations are used. The speaker should use the illustrative material effectively, commenting briefly on it. This saves 20-40% of the presentation time.

Like the text of the report, the illustrative material should be as accessible as possible. On one of the slides or posters it is desirable to reflect the plan of the report, it will help listeners to better orient themselves in the material of the work. Graphs, schemes, drawings should be simplified as much as possible, leaving additional data on the oral comment.

Forming the content of the report, the selection of material, it is important to consider that the text, published on three pages, a person can read in 10 minutes. Consequently, the text of the speech can be from 3 to 5 pages.

The beginning of the report is crucial to creating a good impression in the audience. The speaker's language should indicate that he or she has a thorough knowledge of the subject and is well prepared for the presentation.

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Writing a report is easy with us!

Автор: Grase Freeman 28.04.2022

Hello to everyone who is in school or at university. If you need to write an urgent report or article, abstract. Just turn to a essay writer , and he will do everything for you, while you do more important things.


A report is a type of public (oral) presentation of information on a particular issue in the form of a detailed report based on the use of documentary data.

Scientific report - one of the forms of promulgation of the results of scientific research, a detailed presentation of a particular scientific topic, problem or issue.

The report combines three qualities of the researcher: the ability to conduct scientific research, the ability to present the results to the audience and qualified to answer questions.

During the preparation for the presentation it is advisable to prepare the text of the report, that is a document containing information about the subject and object of research, the rationale for the relevance and prospects of studying this issue, the main results, conclusions and proposals. Working on the text of the report - cpm hw help, you should remember that it is intended for oral reading and discussion, so it requires not only his possession of the material report, but also the ability to answer questions, to enter into a discussion and prove to the audience the correctness of the arguments and politely obtained results.

Depending on the content and volume of the material presented, a distinction is made between:

report reports - summarize the status of the research process;

current - give information about the progress of the work;

reports on research topics allow you to present the results of completed research work, such as coursework, thesis or master's thesis.

The most common structure of the report, which contains an introduction, the main part, the conclusion.

At the beginning of the report indicate the title of the work, the name of the supervisor, the place where the work was performed.

In the introduction explain the theme of the report, indicate the relevance of the problem, its significance, formulate the purpose of the report, set out the history of research on the issue.

In the main part of the submit a description of the scientific problem (it is advisable to highlight the main aspect of the problem, and then the main provisions, which in detail and consistently analyze). The main part of the report should not be overloaded with an excess of experimental data. The sheer number of results cannot increase the value of the paper.

Conclusions summarize the most important provisions, they should be clear and concise.

In the report, it is advisable to observe the polemical character, which will arouse the interest of the audience, as well as reference to previous performances.

When preparing the text of the report use professional scholarship essay writers , one should take into account that much of the important information is presented on slides, slides, or posters. Now mostly computer presentations are used. The speaker should use the illustrative material effectively, commenting briefly on it. This saves 20-40% of the presentation time.

Like the text of the report, the illustrative material should be as accessible as possible. On one of the slides or posters it is desirable to reflect the plan of the report, it will help listeners to better orient themselves in the material of the work. Graphs, schemes, drawings should be simplified as much as possible, leaving additional data on the oral comment.

Forming the content of the report, the selection of material, it is important to consider that the text, published on three pages, a person can read in 10 minutes. Consequently, the text of the speech can be from 3 to 5 pages.

The beginning of the report is crucial to creating a good impression in the audience. The speaker's language should indicate that he or she has a thorough knowledge of the subject and is well prepared for the presentation.

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How Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Can Make One's Essay Better

Автор: Rebecca Chapman 17.03.2021

If students get a comment from their teacher that their pronouns and antecedents don't agree and they don't understand what that means, how can they fix it?

Human beings usually learn how to speak long before they learn to write my term paper. Most of the time, they innately understand how to put sentences together so that they make sense. They usually don't have to give much thought to grammar or punctuation when they speak.

Everything changes when a person puts a pen to paper, however. In the English language, sometimes people speak in a colloquial way, but it doesn't translate very well to essay writing. One of the things that people do when speaking, for example, is unintentionally create disagreement between the pronouns and antecedents they are using.

So what's a student to do if he doesn't understand what pronoun-antecedent agreement is? I will tell! I never going to pay someone to write my paper. So, read on.

What is an Antecedent?

To determine what an antecedent is, the pronoun must be identified first. Remember, a pronoun is simply a "substitute" for a noun; it is used instead of the noun itself. So, for example, if a person writes, "Paris is a beautiful city, but it wouldn't be the same without the Eiffel Tower," the word "Paris" is a noun, and "it" is a pronoun. It's not difficult for a reader to understand that "it" is a substitute for "Paris."

Simply put, the original noun is what is referred to as the "antecedent." It is the original word for which the pronoun is substituting. So if an instructor tells a student that she needs pronoun-antecedent agreement, it has to do with the pronoun not agreeing with the original noun.

How Can a Student Ensure Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement?

Sometimes it's difficult for a student to exchange his "spoken hat" with his "writing hat," because pronoun-antecedent disagreement occurs fairly often in colloquial speech. However, once the student knows the problems to look for, he can correct them in his essays.

My colleagues from Write My Paper NYC think, one of the most common forms of disagreement occurs with indefinite pronouns (words like everybody or someone). Many times students will refer to a singular noun (the antecedent) as a plural pronoun, which is incorrect.

For example, this sentence does not have pronoun-antecedent agreement: "When someone asks you what time it is, they usually have an idea already." The word "someone" is singular, but the pronoun "they" is plural, so the two do not agree. There are at least two possible ways to correct this problem:

  • Make the antecedent plural: When people ask you what time it is, they usually have an idea already.
  • Or make the pronoun singular: When someone asks what time it is, he usually has an idea already.

Part of the reason why students make this common mistake is that they tend to want to keep sexism out of their essays; by referring only to "one" as "he," they feel they are being sexist (with good reason). To avoid that dilemma, students can refer to an indefinite singular pronoun as "he or she," but the problem there is that constant repetition of "he or she" throughout an essay can be distracting. It is perfectly acceptable today to instead alternate, referring to "one" as "she" in one paragraph or context and "he" in the next. Another way to avoid this problem is to keep all pronouns plural, thereby ensuring that pronouns will not refer to a singular (engendered) person. However, it is not acceptable to refer to a singular noun with a plural pronoun.

Make Essays Better by Paying Attention to Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

Obviously, a student has multiple concerns when writing an essay, from preparing an attention-grabbing introduction to conducting proper research and writing strong paragraphs, but students must learn from their mistakes if they want to get excellent grades on their essays. One way to improve one's writing is to pay attention to pronoun-antecedent agreement. If nouns and pronouns agree, instructors will be able to pay more attention to the student's words, rather than being distracted by her errors.

Written by Rebecca Chapman, supported by Write My Paper service. March 2021.

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