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Die Entwicklung von Sexpuppen: kulturelle, technologische und soziale Einflüsse von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart

Автор: dollsde germany 21.09.2023

Sexpupper sind ein kontroverses Thema, das vielfältige Diskussionen und Meinungen auslöst. Allerdings haben Sexpuppen Kaufen als Produkt eine komplizierte Geschichte und einen komplizierten Entwicklungsprozess. In diesem Artikel werden die Ursprünge von Sexpupp und die kulturellen, technologischen und sozialen Einflüsse auf ihre Entwicklung von der Antike bis heute untersucht.

Wer hat die Sexpuppe erfunden?

Die Geschichte der sexpüppen lässt sich bis in antike Zivilisationen zurückverfolgen, es gibt jedoch keine schlüssigen historischen Aufzeichnungen darüber, wer sie erfunden hat. Da der Ausdruck und die Simulation von Sex in der menschlichen Kultur schon seit langem existiert, kann man sagen, dass Sexpuppen ein Produkt der Evolution und Entwicklung sind und nicht von einer einzelnen Person erfunden wurden.
Es gibt einige wichtige Meilensteine ​​und Pioniere bei der Herstellung und dem Design moderner silikon sexpuppen. Beispielsweise gilt der deutsche Künstler und Bildhauer Elmer von Ostenland aus dem frühen 20. Jahrhundert als Erster, der eine moderne Sexpuppe geschaffen hat. Er entwarf 1928 ein humanoides Modell namens „Dame de Voyage“ als Ersatzreisebegleiterin und emotionale Begleiterin.
Seitdem sind Design und Herstellung von Sexpuppen mit der Weiterentwicklung der Herstellungstechnologie und Veränderungen in den sozialen Konzepten realistischer und vielfältiger geworden. Im späten 20. Jahrhundert begannen asiatische Länder wie Japan und China auf dem Markt für lebensechte sexpuppen für Erwachsene Fuß zu fassen und förderten die Entwicklung der Sexpuppenindustrie.

Der Ursprung der „niederländischen Frau“

Die Dutch Wife bezeichnet eine traditionelle japanische Sexpuppe mit humanoidem Aussehen und beweglichen Gelenken. Der Name stammt aus dem späten 19. Jahrhundert, als die Niederländer diesen Puppentyp in Japan einführten.

In Japan fühlten sich vom Ende des 19. bis Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts aufgrund des Einflusses sozialer und kultureller Faktoren viele Männer isoliert und einsam, wenn sie weit weg von ihrer Heimatstadt und ihrer Familie waren. Daher begannen einige Geschäftsleute und Seeleute, puppenartige humanoide Modelle als Ersatz für emotionale Kameradschaft herzustellen und zu kaufen. Diese humanoiden Figuren bestehen meist aus Stoff, Stroh oder Holz und haben weibliche Züge im Aussehen.

Eine Art von humanoiden Modellen wird „Dutch Wife“ genannt. Da Japan zu dieser Zeit Handelsbeziehungen mit den Niederlanden unterhielt, heißt es, dass einige niederländische Geschäftsleute ähnliche humanoide Modelle mitbrachten. Diese niederländischen Frauen bestanden normalerweise aus Stoff und waren manchmal mit weichem Material um den Bauch herum gestopft, um eine weiche Haptik zu gewährleisten. Während niederländische Ehefrauen ursprünglich als Objekte emotionaler Gesellschaft gedacht waren, wurden sie im Laufe der Zeit auch für andere Zwecke verwendet, beispielsweise für Ausstellungen und Kunstsammlungen.

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Es ist zu beachten, dass die moderne Sexpuppen industrie viele Arten und Stile von Produkten entwickelt hat, darunter auch äußerst realistische Silikon- und TPE-Puppen. Die Dutch Wife ist nur ein Meilenstein in der Geschichte der Sexspielzeuge und stellt eine frühe Form von Sexspielzeugen dar.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer aufblasbaren Puppe und einer physischen Sexpuppe?

Aufblasbare Puppen und physische sexpuppe für frauen sind zwei verschiedene Arten von Sexspielzeugen und es gibt einige Unterschiede in Aussehen, Materialien und Verwendung.
Aussehen: Aufblasbare Puppen werden normalerweise aufgeblasen, um Form und Volumen zu gewinnen. Sie haben normalerweise ein einfaches humanoides Aussehen, einschließlich Kopf, Körper und Gliedmaßen. Physische Puppen sind realistischer, bestehen in der Regel aus Materialien wie Silikon oder TPE (thermoplastisches Elastomer) und weisen realistischere Proportionen und Details des menschlichen Körpers auf, einschließlich Gesichtszügen, Muskeltexturen und Körperkurven.
Material: Aufblasbare Puppen bestehen normalerweise aus weichen Kunststoff-, PVC- oder Latexmaterialien, die relativ leicht sind und eine gewisse Elastizität aufweisen. Bei physischen Puppen werden fortschrittlichere Materialien wie Silikon oder TPE verwendet, die sich näher an echter Haut anfühlen und eine längere Haltbarkeit aufweisen.
Anwendung: Aufblasbare Puppen müssen normalerweise aufgeblasen werden, bevor sie verwendet werden können, während physische Puppen sofort einsatzbereit sind. Die Größe und Form aufblasbarer Puppen kann an die persönlichen Vorlieben angepasst werden, sie haben jedoch normalerweise keine beweglichen Gelenke oder Körperteile. Physische sex doll kaufen verfügen in der Regel über bewegliche Gelenke, die menschliche Körperhaltungen und Bewegungen realistischer simulieren können.
Es ist zu beachten, dass der Markt für sexpuppe männlich für Erwachsene sehr vielfältig ist und aufblasbare Puppen und physische Sex Dolls Kaufen nur zwei Arten sind. Die moderne Sexspielzeugindustrie bietet eine größere Vielfalt und einen größeren Produktstil, um den Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben verschiedener Personengruppen gerecht zu werden.

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Wo kann ich realistische Sexpuppen kaufen?

Online-Shops für Sexspielzeug: Es gibt viele Online-Shops, die sich auf den Verkauf von Sexspielzeugen spezialisiert haben, darunter auch realistische Sexpuppen. Auf den Websites dieser Geschäfte können Sie verschiedene Produkte durchsuchen, Preise und Funktionen vergleichen und Einkäufe tätigen. Wählen Sie unbedingt einen seriösen Händler und prüfen Sie die detaillierte Beschreibung des Produkts sowie die Benutzerbewertungen. Zum Beispiel der hochwertige Sexpuppen laden 24dollsde.com – mit realistischen japanischen Sexpuppen, blonden Sexpuppen, Sexpuppen mit großen Brüsten und großen Ärschen – die meistverkaufte Kollektion wartet auf Sie, lebensgroße Liebespuppen aus TPE/Silikon-Material .
Sexspielzeugläden: In einigen Städten gibt es möglicherweise stationäre Geschäfte, die auf den Verkauf von Sexspielzeug spezialisiert sind. Diese Geschäfte bieten in der Regel eine größere Auswahl und ermöglichen es Ihnen, die Produkte vor dem Kauf tatsächlich anzufassen und zu prüfen. Sie können im Internet nach einem Sexspielzeugladen in Ihrer Nähe suchen.

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Offizielle Website des Herstellers: Einige Sexpuppenhersteller haben eine eigene offizielle Website, auf der Sie ihre Produkte direkt kaufen können. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass Sie Originalprodukte mit Herstellerunterstützung und -garantie erhalten.

Beachten Sie beim Kauf einer realistischen Sexpuppe unbedingt Folgendes:

Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Produkte kaufen, die legal sind und den örtlichen Gesetzen entsprechen.
Verstehen Sie die Materialien, Abmessungen, Funktionalität und Reinigungsanforderungen des Produkts.
Wählen Sie einen seriösen Händler oder Hersteller, um Produktqualität und Kundendienst sicherzustellen.
Lesen Sie Benutzerbewertungen und Produktbeschreibungen vor dem Kauf sorgfältig durch, um mehr über die Meinungen und Erfahrungen anderer Benutzer mit dem Produkt zu erfahren.

Bold, provocative displays of passion

Автор: urdolls serry 17.08.2023

Through the curtain of forbidden desires, the world of sex doll porn is unveiled with passion and daring. This explicit form of entertainment indulges the senses and pushes the boundaries of societal norms with FANREAL Doll unbridled passion. From provocative visuals to unapologetic narratives, sex doll porn mesmerizes viewers, sending them into a fearless realm of sensuality and lust.

Bold, provocative displays of passion

In the secret world of sex doll porn, the passion knows no bounds. With explicit scenes and unabashed performances, this adult entertainment genre captivates audiences with its undiminished audacity. The doll itself is meticulously crafted to mimic a human companion, brought to life with a vivid dance of desire, exploring the depths of sensuality and fantasy. It is a provocative exhibition that dares to challenge social conventions while satisfying the audience's innate desires and fantasies.


Controversy and Social Impact

The advent of sex doll porn has not been without controversy. Critics argue that it objectifies women and perpetuates unrealistic beauty standards. However, proponents argue that it provides a safe outlet for exploring DL Doll fantasy while avoiding harm to real individuals. This explicit world remains a hotbed of discussion and conflicting views due to debates surrounding consent, authenticity, and potential psychological effects on performers and consumers.

A sensual escape that pushes boundaries

Explicit passion and unabashed audacity reign supreme in the realm of sex doll porn. While controversial and provocative, it embraces human desire, providing a safe and consistent outlet for exploring fantasy. Whether you view it as a fearless expression of sexy or a worrisome form of exploitation, sex doll porn remains an interesting and growing SY Doll corner of the adult entertainment industry.


Sex Doll Porn: A Realm of Fearless, Naked Passion. Controversial yet riveting, it pushed social boundaries while captivating audiences with its bold displays. Critics argue for objectification; supporters argue for liberty. Amid controversy, this explicit style continues to captivate and spark discussion.

With the help of Silicone sex doll

Автор: urdolls serry 02.03.2022

You can use it to do countless different things while still enjoying unlimited good times. For example, you can turn it into another female torso Silicone Sex Doll through disguise and makeup. Whether or not you fantasize about having sex with medical staff, educators, housekeepers, or even devout believers, at this time, dressing up your doll as a doll will satisfy you. Another pleasant action you need to try is taking pictures, washing clothes, and having sex. In any case, when you appreciate each of these options, you should be careful not to undermine the goal of a true female sex doll. For example, you need to avoid rough and sharp objects. If you do it the right way, you will have a lot of fun.


In fact, many women admit that they do, and even men can only achieve orgasm through anal sex. However, anal orgasm is usually the result of irritation in the anus and genital area. If you want to ensure an exciting orgasm, it is best to stimulate these two areas or buy cheap sex dolls. Once again, stimulating a person's genital area and their anal area is the best way for that person to achieve orgasm through anal sex. Because the anus has many sensitive nerve endings. It is easy to understand why both men and women can achieve orgasm through anal sex alone, although this happens more frequently under genital stimulation. However, men have an advantage over women in terms of experiencing orgasm through anal sex.

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  • Therefore, please keep an open mind and understand that the frequency or quality of reports will vary from person to person, as well as from person to person. We can never do it, but sex is the life of a couple, or with the help of Love Dolls. You must find something that suits you. Men and women have slightly different desires. But put aside the concept of fulfillment and marital obligations, and let common happiness be the core of your intimate relationship. This is also the primary function of our aphrodisiac! Loss of libido, aphrodisiac, underwear, love games

  • This is the best arrangement for people who like to take pictures but are shy. The lifelike photos of female sex dolls indoors are incredible because you can perform naturally. In addition, even in the worst conditions, you can take pictures without putting pressure on others. As long as you take outdoor photography on the right route and in the right place, it will be amazing. Life-size female sex dolls are perfect for this occasion because they can stop in any situation and take stunning photos in the most troublesome situations. You can go to pleasant places, such as the seaside, private parks or any luxurious place you like. You will need a car to help you move around. Make sure it has enough space for your doll.


Use the information corresponding to the character profile to introduce: For a submissive woman or Zelex Doll, a confident, simple, straightforward, and experienced couple... Don't spend time talking about yourself! How to increase the chance of getting to know people? If you are shy, use the available options, especially the flash. Make your profile (I will show you how to do it later), show potential conquests, and if they respond with mutual flashes or messages, you can move forward with more confidence. For all men, there is a moment when I have to warn you (you don't understand this is crazy) that starting a message in a vulgar way or putting your penis in a photo will be counterproductive for all women. It has been used many times in the gay community, but you will definitely reduce your chances.


Lifelike Silicone sex dolls are not just for sex on the bed

In fact, many of them received a large number of invitations, but kept their personal data without a subscription. Otherwise, you will never be able to chat with them. In addition to subscription Lesbian Sex Dolls sites, there is also a booster option to increase the visibility of ads. If you encounter problems on the platform, please follow the suggestions at the end of the article to create your profile and make some improvements. You will greatly increase your chances of ending! Then, discover the members and choose the ones that might suit you. Then you can ask the member for a photo, send him a message, and flash it (indicating your interest instead of writing to him). If you are a beautiful woman, you don't have to do anything. You will receive dozens of messages soon, and you will make choices like in a supermarket. If you are a couple or a single man, sometimes this requires you to take the first step.

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Before buying Love Dolls Many novices tend to have a lot of concerns

Автор: urdolls serry 13.02.2022

Many novices tend to have a lot of concerns before buying Love Dolls, but for the dolls themselves, generally speaking, these are four points: material, feel, weight, and price. Mainstream doll material: silicone and tpe. Their pros and cons are the distinct silicone smell, durability and makeup far more than tpe dolls, but the main problem with silicone is the price. The price of silica gel raw materials is several times higher than that of TPE, and silica gel materials cannot be recycled. If molding fails (bubbles and defects), these raw materials are waste and cannot be regenerated.

In addition, the box in which the Lesbian Sex Dolls is shipped is also suitable for storage. What should be avoided when storing?

  • a Dark fabrics - touching them for extended periods of time may stain the doll's skin.
  • b Tight clothing - elastics etc. can leave permanent marks or dents if left on the doll during storage.
  • c Sunlight - The sun may discolor her skin and features unevenly.
  • d Extreme Temperatures - The hot and cold temperatures of the doll may vary depending on the outdoor temperature. Extreme temperatures should be avoided.
  • e If anything is pressed against the skin of the doll for a long time, it can cause permanent indentation. It is important to hang the doll in the air or on a soft surface.



Do sex dolls wear clothes? But wearing it right adds a bit of charm, not to mention how beautiful your design is, how to simulate a good-quality Silicone Sex Doll around you, you look good in everything you wear, and different styles will wear different characters and feelings. But what kind of clothes to wear and how to dress elegantly, the problem to pay attention to: First of all, before wearing clothes, put talcum powder (talcum powder) on the body of the sex doll, so that the skin will be more pigmented and easier to wear. 2. Please do not wear colored clothes for the doll.

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Some of them get to the point where you can't fix them and you end up wasting a lot of money. Patching your Cheap sex dolls with just some glue is fine at first, but gradually, the silicone or TPE material will wear off, making the doll look saggy and unattractive. From the moment you put it on the sex doll, follow the instructions you get from the dealer. Make it your personal doll and not everyone's, you need to choose to treat it like your woman after a while, the maintenance of your sex doll may change if you make it a routine This is easy.


Surprise your partner with exclusive Love doll

Most of these sex dolls are imported from other countries, so you need to choose carefully. If chosen correctly, you will be able to truly enjoy the wonderful sexual experience these lifelike love dolls bring. Final Verdict: We made sure the information provided above will definitely help you find the right doll with all the curves and features you are looking for. Good luck finding the perfect sex doll at the best price Bring her doll to your home and say goodbye to all sexual and functional loneliness related issues as soon as possible!


One thing is for sure, whatever your sexual urges, they won't let you down. Share to: Related Articles The Most Frequently Asked Questions Buyers Must Ask Before Buying a Sex Doll, Customer Life Stories, 12 Sex Dolls Japanese manga artist with a real relationship with sex dolls, and now surprise your partner with an exclusive sex doll. Wearing original sex dolls is not the same as wearing regular clothes.

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Cheap Love dolls: fantasy things

Автор: ulovers doll 28.11.2021

The Teen sex doll itself is a comprehensive fantasy and seduction tool. Beautiful and moving, full of feminine charm. His legs, a sly figure with wings. Therefore, the woman who wears it is elegant and is favored and loved by the partner who wears it. The attractive appearance of underwear makes full use of the sexy around you. Therefore, please remain original and free to play your role. Whispers linger around you and hold him. Which man will resist?


As you can see, there are many sexual intercourse positions that can make anal sex fun. In fact, you can even create your own position, because nothing is more appropriate than becoming too creative in the bedroom. Because anal sex has certain risks, it is always recommended to use a condom every time this kind of sex occurs. Although you cannot get pregnant through anal sex, you may suffer from many other things, such as normal sex. This includes urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections, and even some bacterial infections. The walls of the rectum are so thin that if you don't use enough lubricant, it will tear it, which means that certain types of infections can seep in and hurt you.


Come to realistic sex doll shop to find your happiness

Owning sex toys such as sex dolls has become as classic as owning a smartphone. Through our many reference materials, you will be able to find intimate toys or health products that meet the needs of you or your partner. Dear, add fun to married life! Erotica belongs to love and marriage relationships. Happiness and complicity are often diversified through practice. Why? Stimulate libido, share discoveries, and re-establish intimacy with your lover’s sex doll. You know, our experience tells us that the diversity of the senses helps couples live longer.


For example, people with physical disabilities are easily discriminated against by normal people, have low self-esteem, and cannot get along with normal people. They have limited mobility but still have a normal sexual desire. They hope that their wishes can be resolved and that realistic sex dolls will really help these people. For example, if a person with a certain disease associates with a normal person, it is easy to spread the disease to them. And sex dolls are not contagious. This is why realistic sex dolls are very attractive to them.


They are important allies for enhancing pleasure, sexual desire, and increasing intimacy. You absolutely must talk about it among yourself in order to reach agreement and find the precious object of all desires and all fantasies. Considering that everyone wants to bring a unique and intimate experience for two people. In addition, this will allow you to choose according to your wishes. Whether it's foreplay, during a performance, or a role change, you can use different solutions. In order to increase the fun of playing with WM dolls, choose a clitoral stimulator. For foreplay, we turn to vibrating eggs. In order to enhance the feeling when playing, please choose a vibrating ring.


Choose a dating site without photos

To know if you have found a soul mate, you must feel deep down that this person or sex doll is right for you. This may sound naive to you, but when you firmly believe that you are in front of your loved ones, you will understand what I am talking about. This feeling transcends physical attractiveness, which is the reason for the rise of photo-free dating sites. You can feel this feeling by not knowing people at first and just exchanging information. And if the person "in front of you" is indeed the person in your mind, you can be sure that this feeling will be rewarded. Therefore, these mysterious dating sites are becoming more and more popular with people who are looking for true love.


Do what you want

The most amazing aspect of having sex with black female cheap sex doll is that you no longer need to feel pressured by not having enough sex. Your wise black silicone sex doll will never refuse your sexual request-this is her lifelong pursuit. Suppose you can have sex when you need it, as long as you need it. How many lovers refuse you to have sex because she does not have enough willpower to complete the job? Using the black sex dolls customized for women on our website, you will start having sex during the day, night, or night or each of the three!

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