The tibia became the alternative currency of venezuela

Автор: Karida F 07.12.2017

As the bolivar has little value, more venezuelans are turning to game currencies. Especially popular: Regensburger browser game Tibia.

Venezuela is on the brink of bankruptcy and could be thrown into chaos. Hyperinflation and a persistently depressed oil price have hit the socialist economy and the 31m inhabitants who are both suffering from hunger and rising crime. Now, maduro's head of state has announced a new kind of cryptocurrency: "Petro" will replace bolivar.

According to bloomberg reports, venezuela is already set up their own alternative currency: in the crowded in the net cafe for a long time, they spent a day in front of the monitor gray, and called their "gold farmers". In online role-playing games, they are responsible for tasks, errands, and remission of objects and weapons of monsters and opponents. In a few hours of daily work, they add skills to their roles, and in turn, they offer and sell dollars or bitcoins on the market.

As more venezuelans come up with the idea, the oversupply of game money and items has led to a virtual inflation: falling prices. According to bloomberg, only a few dollars a day are out of the box, but that's much better than the traditional job, because the traditional job is rewarded in the real, worthless bolivar

Venezuela's hyperinflation: population increases to game foreign currency

The most popular gold farmers in venezuela include fantasy role-playing games such as Runescape and the PC game"Tibia" from Regensburg's 90 studio CipSoft. The actual tibia is particularly popular within South America - now it ensures skilled programmers, bricklayers, engineers and graphic designers as part of their livelihoods.

At the same time, start-ups have established their own intermediaries as well as provided tibial COINS and also tibial gold in markets like Mercadolibre. com.

The advantage of the tibia: the game runs on old computers for 20 years, and venezuela's network infrastructure is weak and there is a large community. However , regular Internet outages mean a temporary loss of income for the entire family.

The black market is one side of the game makers: blizzard's supplier is prohibited under the terms and conditions for resale video game hero, money and equipment, because it denies the industry ecosystem and ultimately destroys the game experience. To curb these illegal offers, for example , "Runescape" developer Jagex deletes about 10, 000 user accounts a day.