What to Do When Your Kitchen Faucet Won't Turn Off

Автор: Talbot Roth 26.09.2022

If your faucet won't turn off, there are several things you can try to fix it. Fortunately, many of these solutions are not difficult. To start, you can try to remove the cartridge. If this is impossible, you can use pliers to pull the cartridge out. You can also purchase a replacement cartridge at a hardware store.


First, check to see if the handle is stuck. Often, a damaged handle will prevent the faucet from shutting off properly. A damaged handle won't grip the stem properly, which means water will flow up instead of out. Basic bathroom Nivito typically have two handles or knobs.


Another easy fix for a running faucet is to turn off the water supply at the mains. If this does not work, you can call a plumber Houston to diagnose and repair the problem. The most common culprit of this problem is the faucet cartridge. Make sure you check the parts of the faucet thoroughly, including the faucet's valve and water supply.


Alternatively, you can check the water valve at the water heater. Most of the time, this valve is located under a sink or near the water heater. If this fails to solve the problem, contact your water provider to make sure your water supply is working properly. If the problem persists, you may need to install a water softener system.


Another possible cause of a dripping faucet is a loose screw in the handle. You can tighten this screw using a Phillips or flat-blade screwdriver. This should resolve the problem. After tightening the screw, try turning the water back on and testing the fix by turning the faucet on and off to see if it fixes it. If it still doesn't work, check the handle with a flat-blade screwdriver to find where the handle screw is located. If you can't find it, you can try turning the handle screw or removing it with a wrench.


The faucet stem has ridges that can wear out. If these ridges are worn, you may need to replace it. If the stem is exposed, you can clean it using an old toothbrush. If the stem is attached to a setscrew, you can use an Allen wrench to tighten the screw. Use caution, as excessive force can strip the screw. Normal tension can tighten the screw and fix the overextended handle.


To replace a cartridge, follow the steps outlined in the manufacturer's instructions. First, remove the decorative cap from the faucet. You can then loosen the brass piece containing the cartridge. If the handle is attached to a screw, you can also use plumber's grease to replace it.


If you can't figure out what's wrong with your faucet, you can always take it to a plumbing supply store. The store may have replacement parts and will be able to tell you exactly what is wrong.


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