Kids Learn From Parents: How Parents Attitude Helps In Shaping Child's Attitude

Автор: Emily Hill 23.02.2022


Helping to shape your children's behavior is an important part of parenting. It can be difficult and rewarding. Although it can be challenging at times, a few basic principles can help.


How Parents Attitude Helps In Shaping Child's Attitude


  • Modeling Behavior

Children learn by watching everyone around them, especially their parents. When you use good habits and techniques, you are teaching your children to do the same. While you are teaching your kids how to behave properly you can take corporate finance assignment help from the EduWorldUSA platform. 


Identify sharing between adults. Children often feel that they are the only ones who should "practice your habits," "share," and "exchange." So when adults get together, show your children. For example: 


"Daddy's eating his drink with mom. Goodbye dad!"


Show good ways to calm down. Teach your children how to stay calm when they are upset or frustrated. For example, if you are frustrated with living on the street, you could say:


"Mama is really upset right now. Please help me calm down by taking 10 breaths with me."


Teach children to say how they feel. If you are really frustrated, you may want to say, "You're driving me crazy right now." Instead, try expressing your genuine feelings: "Mom is really upset right now." This teaches children to say what they feel instead of criticizing or hurting. Then help your children to do this when they are upset. For example:


"Looks like you're upset."


If your guessing is wrong, let your children correct you.


  • Behavior + Attention = Additional Behavior

If you are like most people, you will leave your children alone if they behave well, but if your children misbehave, you will direct your attention to them. This is often a setback. Attention around misconduct exacerbates misconduct as a way to get more attention from us!


The best way to develop good manners is to give the kids plenty of attention when they do something you like and take your attention off when they do something you don't like.


The easiest way to increase morals is to describe their behavior and commend them when they make a real effort. For example:


"Good job I listened for the first time!"


"It's good to use your inner voice."


It can be hard to get used to doing this, but it is as simple and easy as doing it.


  • Attention Meter

If the kids get enough attention from you, they don't have to do anything to get attention. Remember to fill your children with more love and affection all day long, every day. An easy way to do this is to spend quality time with them. Playing with your children for just 5 minutes will go a long way, especially right after you get home from work or after some other activity. When playing with your children, allow them to choose a toy and lead a game. 


You are tempted to tell your children what to do or to ask too many questions, but it is best not to do that. Instead, simply try to explain what your children are doing ("You work hard to build a tower" or "You put those blocks in place") and praise: "It's a great job to keep quiet while we play."


One way is by paying close attention to your children 's good behavior, yet do not interrupt their expressions of endearment, by treating them with tenderness and respect; for example, just touch their shoulder or back. It is recommended that you give children 50 to 100 short touches of love every day.


  • Opportunities for reading: 

Books are a sea of ​​knowledge that transmits reading and comprehension skills to a child. Children can be taken to libraries or subscriptions to online books are also available that send books to your door at your discretion. The Internet is full of jokes and exciting games that enhance memory. Play board games with them that will improve parental memory too. 


Learning activity kits like Magic crate and Intellikit can be purchased online with appropriate activities for kids that develop their intelligence and problem-solving skills. Introducing your children to such games will not only sharpen their concentration levels but also help them to grasp the concept of working out many other ways to reach a solution. Learning programs at KCHs have a balanced learning environment where children learn while playing a monotony that breaks down and creates a constructive and fun way to learn for children who yearn for it.


  • Get Involved in After-School Activities: 

The Live and Learned Home-Based Program provides pre-planned activities with specially trained counselors and trainers each month that help with the overall development of each child. In such programs, children are introduced to group activities with the same purpose that helps to develop their leadership qualities and to learn how to resolve conflicts and effectively manage time and resources. Such a child-centered approach helps the child to grow to maturity and gives children and parents the opportunity to spend quality time doing things they love instead of struggling with homework and the curriculum.



Parents are the first teachers of a child. If your three year old is rude that means you probably are the same. And if he is good then you are probably the same. 

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