Dismiss presented view controller

Автор: Amanda Smith 22.12.2018

Presenting View Controllers



❤️ : Dismiss presented view controller










Each view controller in a chain of presented view controllers has pointers to the other objects surrounding it in the chain. Both actions have a handler which gets called when the respective buttons are tapped.

dismiss presented view controller


Destructive, handler: { alert :UIAlertAction! Now for the final class. It has two arguments.

dismiss presented view controller


Presenting View Controllers - Likewise if you have an existing app that uses the deprecated methods now is a good time to think about updating assuming you no longer require iOS 4. Call this pizzaModalDone Do the same for the popover, calling the method popoverDone.

dismiss presented view controller


Questions: I am trying to dismiss a ViewController in swift by calling dismissViewController in an IBAction IBAction func cancel sender: AnyObject { self. What could be the problem? From you image it seems like you presented the ViewController using push You need to use navigationController. Here is the one way to dismiss present view controller and move back to previous view controller. You can do this through Storyboard only. Second Way — Use — navigationController. For example, in cancel action: class MyViewController: UIViewController ... IBAction func cancel sender: AnyObject dismissMe animated: true, completion: nil ... For reference, be aware that you might be dismissing the wrong view controller. For example, if you have an alert box or modal showing on top of another modal. You could have a Twitter post alert showing on top of your current modal alert, for example. In this case, you need to call dismiss twice, or use an unwind segue.

Episode9 - Present & Dismiss View Controller


I used a background color of D337C8 for one and the other FDDB28 Change to the media library by selecting the clip of film in the lower right. For example, a navigation controller might push the view controller onto its navigation stack. You do this by specifying a preferred presentation style when presenting a view controller, for example a popover, and then according to the size class of your device, the OS will either dismiss presented view controller the view controller in that style or switch to an alternative style, for example a popover being presented as full screen on compact-width anon. I will show you how to build and create, and make some money at it too. For example, a container view controller might incorporate the view controller as a child instead of presenting it modally. For apps shipped by Apple, the chrome is usually a grey del-transparent view, but you have the freedom to style it however you want.


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