Cocky guy

Автор: Laura Campos 20.12.2018

Signs of a Cocky Guy



❤️ : Cocky guy










Knowing that someone desires you is a big confidence booster - imagine how your confidence will skyrocket if you simply assume that everyone thinks you're hot stuff! He's the dude who loves to hear himself talk, and can't help but stop to check himself out in a department store mirror. Over 90% of this kind of attraction is attributable to body language and tonality alone.

cocky guy


Women perceive good-looking guys who act cocky as MAJOR PLAYERS, and too much cocky too soon can backfire on you. Sports aren't important - these guys will be washing my car in just a few years. PUSH COCKY-FUNNY The prime proponent of this is David D.

cocky guy


Signs of a Cocky Guy - If you sincerely believe that you're number one and that almost everyone else can't touch you, the following steps will be much easier. He's the dude who loves to hear himself talk, and can't help but stop to check himself out in a department store mirror.

cocky guy


There is a lot of bad information out there about how to be cocky funny, and I want to clear up some misconceptions today. This small bit of fine-tuning can make it SO much easier to get a girl, and create much stronger, closer emotional connections. If you want to attract a woman faster and have her more powerfully attracted to you, the optimal mix for a man who already has his fundamentals down his body language, tonality, and basic inner game and is interacting with a confident and attractive woman is 80% pull, 20% push. Plus, the pull and the push are opposite manifestations of cockiness. Push-pull is closely connected to cocky-funny. My point here applies to elite game. Each Push creates an emotional space for each Pull. While you can succeed using almost any combination of push and pull e.  This applies only if the following also hold: a.   The man has good fundamentals good body language, tonality, tight inner game and is hence non-needy, etc. This also applies if he is physically attractive or is perceived by the woman to have high social value. If both those elements are in place, then the fastest and most powerful route to sex is a mix of 80% pull-20% push. Over 90% of this kind of attraction is attributable to body language and tonality alone. It throws her off and is hence funny. Now imagine a 50 year old, sophisticated-looking man talking the same way. He just comes across cocky. For a guy like this to use cocky-funny, he has to really emphasize the humor and really cut down on the cocky part. Most people overlook the fact that David D. Women perceive good-looking guys who act cocky as MAJOR PLAYERS, and too much cocky too soon can backfire on you. You can do it the other way, of course. You can do mainly push and just a little pull, like 80% push and 20% pull. Or you can be very cocky and only a little funny. Sure, you can get success that way, too. But for the most part, if your fundamentals are already strong, then: a   You can get much faster attraction by pulling her in more often than you can by pushing her away. Hence, girls and most people in general will naturally feel like following your lead. So when you tell a girl to sit down, she will feel a strong social and emotional pull to sit down. Any resistance they give to such a man is just token. Chances are good that when you push her further away, she will follow your lead and remain further away. Sure you can generate attraction with most combinations of push-pull. It should be obvious. A far more efficient way to develop emotional connections is to pull her in emotionally. One very effective kind of pull technique is in conjunction with screening and qualifying. BTW, this is also a key technique for creating the kind of emotional connections that will get girls to fall in love with you FAST. There are others, of course, like sharing secrets and using childhood regression, but this is one of the easiest to do. And this is a KEY distinction: push cocky-funny, and pull cocky-funny. Well, the best way to illustrate what I mean is through examples. PUSH COCKY-FUNNY The prime proponent of this is David D. Or are you desperate? This took place near the coat check of a huge nightclub, which is just about the only place in the club where you can talk without speaking right into her ear. A super cute, long-haired girl walks by, and I jump in front of her. Pull 1 Her: shocked : Huh? Me: with an incredulous look on my face : Why? I mean, just look at you. It should be a crime for you to walk in public. Pull 2 Her: breaking out laughing : Where are you from? I want your number. Pull 3 Her: laughing : No way. Me: Okay, … guess. My hands are all cold and sweaty. Then, I take her hand in mine. Me: throwing off her hand and looking shocked : Are you calling me a liar? You can have the dog. Pull 5 Her: laughed Me: perking up and letting out a sly smile : Okay, give me your number. I took her number, we talked a little bit more, then I let her go back to her friends. I texted her about an hour later, and she texted back, asking what I was doing tomorrow. The rest is history, because a gentleman never kisses and tells. Notice the push-pull ratio here. That was 5 pulls to 1 push. The one push came after 4 pulls. This sort of Pull Cocky-Funny can get you super fast makeouts and, as my natural friends have shown, club bathroom hookups. Another great example comes from Zan. Among the community old-timers, Zan is probably the best representative of this kind of cocky-funny. There are so many possibilities to choose from, but this conversation of his has stuck in my mind for a while now: ZAN: Come out with me for a drink tonight. I will pick you up at 7. If she says she is not interested and leaves, no problem. But if I ever see her again, I immediately go up to her, smile and wink, and pick up right where I left off. As if she had never resisted me in the first place. In other words, her boyfriend objections or whatever mean nothing to me. ZAN: big smile Hello, sweetie. Did you miss me? ZAN: I want to see you. I told you last time I have a boyfriend. ZAN: smile, wink Really? I have two bottles of champagne at home. ZAN: One to drink and one to pour all over your body… HER: You never give up, do you? ZAN: Of course not! HER laughing No, I suppose not… I find this whole exchange completely charming and hilarious. Zan pulls her in about seven times. Just about everything he says is a pull. This is the ideal kind of frame to be operating from when doing Pull Cocky-Funny. So there you have it. And keep it all funny ☺.

Jin's Overflowing Confidence - #WorldwideHandsome Guy!


Believe that you're the best. A cocky guy has an Instagram full of mirror gym selfies. She sees a semi-close acquaintance having a medico with someone in the corner. A cocky guy person is the life of the party - any party. Give your problems the attention they deserve and you'll eventually be back to your old cocky self. However, he let Cocky scold him and pull his hair, which was a la-valve for Cocky. Keep this mentality at social gatherings - since cocky guy already likes you, you can skip boring small talk and get right to the interesting topics, like yourself!.


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