Do you still wish to regularly play Rocket League picture

Do you still wish to regularly play Rocket League

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Everyone who makes it out of the primary Round of a Tournament will receive new in-game currency called Tournament Credits, and performing well and making it farther during a bracket will earn you more. Tournaments at a better Rank will grant larger Tournament Credit rewards . as an example , strong Silver Ranked players stand to earn more Tournament Credits if they get pulled into a Gold Rank Tournament, but their competition are going to be tougher. The Tournament Credit reward is that the same for all three team members.

Tournament Credits are often redeemed to urge Cups which will grant you a customization item including Wheels, animated Decals, and even Goal Explosions. There are four levels of Cups that become available as you increase your Tournaments Rank. the upper level the Cup, the more often you’ll unlock an item of upper rarity. All Tournament items can have special attributes like Painted or Certified. you'll also trade unwanted items to receive Tournament items of a better rarity. That even goes for Exotic items, which may be traded up to Black Market!

As we mentioned, further details on Rocket League's Tournaments are often found on the official website, including information on the logistics of every tournament, how players might be banned for abandoning tournaments, and more.

Do you still wish to regularly play Rocket League? Think you will be competing against others in these new tournaments? Tell us below.

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