
4 tips to stop procrastination

Автор: John Harris 09.03.2022

It is common for almost every student to procrastinate, so you are not alone. Taking up online assignment writing service will let you focus on the task at hand. People who are prone to procrastination already know what they should be doing. 

But with all the distractions and temptations, it isn't easy to focus. If you take online help with your assignment, you have a little assistance for your work. 

It is like having a study buddy who will always support you no matter what.

Read below to find some more ways to stop procrastination.

1. Strategy before work

If you lack a clear strategy or concept for finishing your task, you are more prone to postpone it. Therefore, it's a brilliant idea to invest in a planner. Begin by recording all of your assignments and their due dates. 

When you're structured, you're able to function inside a more ordered and measured framework. You can also hire an assignment maker and assignment expert if you feel the pressure is too much to handle.

2. No-distraction rule

Eliminating distractions is another strategy for avoiding procrastination. By minimizing distractions, you increase your chances of doing what you need to.

Switch off your phone, find a quiet spot, and listen to white noise to block out any background noise. Then, find a way that makes you less distracted.

3. Prioritize 

Organizing your work and projects according to priority is another strategy to prevent procrastinating. Create a weekly or biweekly list of tasks that need to be accomplished. Prioritize the most urgent or time-sensitive tasks. Then go down the list. 

Get the complex tasks out of the way first so that everything that follows will seem more achievable. 

4. Set your deadlines

Another strategy for overcoming procrastination is to establish deadlines. People get trapped in the "I'll do it tomorrow or eventually" loop, but the day never arrives. Therefore, it is critical to set a definite deadline for the completion of a project or task. Read more: Java assignment help

Aim to finish your tasks and assignments one or two days ahead of time. Thus, if anything unexpected occurs, you will still have sufficient time to accomplish them.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with things, take online assignment help. The idea is to do what works for you best. The above mentioned are just some tips to give a rough idea on how to stop procrastination. 

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Kids Learn From Parents: How Parents Attitude Helps In Shaping Child's Attitude

Автор: Emily Hill 23.02.2022


Helping to shape your children's behavior is an important part of parenting. It can be difficult and rewarding. Although it can be challenging at times, a few basic principles can help.


How Parents Attitude Helps In Shaping Child's Attitude


  • Modeling Behavior

Children learn by watching everyone around them, especially their parents. When you use good habits and techniques, you are teaching your children to do the same. While you are teaching your kids how to behave properly you can take corporate finance assignment help from the EduWorldUSA platform. 


Identify sharing between adults. Children often feel that they are the only ones who should "practice your habits," "share," and "exchange." So when adults get together, show your children. For example: 


"Daddy's eating his drink with mom. Goodbye dad!"


Show good ways to calm down. Teach your children how to stay calm when they are upset or frustrated. For example, if you are frustrated with living on the street, you could say:


"Mama is really upset right now. Please help me calm down by taking 10 breaths with me."


Teach children to say how they feel. If you are really frustrated, you may want to say, "You're driving me crazy right now." Instead, try expressing your genuine feelings: "Mom is really upset right now." This teaches children to say what they feel instead of criticizing or hurting. Then help your children to do this when they are upset. For example:


"Looks like you're upset."


If your guessing is wrong, let your children correct you.


  • Behavior + Attention = Additional Behavior

If you are like most people, you will leave your children alone if they behave well, but if your children misbehave, you will direct your attention to them. This is often a setback. Attention around misconduct exacerbates misconduct as a way to get more attention from us!


The best way to develop good manners is to give the kids plenty of attention when they do something you like and take your attention off when they do something you don't like.


The easiest way to increase morals is to describe their behavior and commend them when they make a real effort. For example:


"Good job I listened for the first time!"


"It's good to use your inner voice."


It can be hard to get used to doing this, but it is as simple and easy as doing it.


  • Attention Meter

If the kids get enough attention from you, they don't have to do anything to get attention. Remember to fill your children with more love and affection all day long, every day. An easy way to do this is to spend quality time with them. Playing with your children for just 5 minutes will go a long way, especially right after you get home from work or after some other activity. When playing with your children, allow them to choose a toy and lead a game. 


You are tempted to tell your children what to do or to ask too many questions, but it is best not to do that. Instead, simply try to explain what your children are doing ("You work hard to build a tower" or "You put those blocks in place") and praise: "It's a great job to keep quiet while we play."


One way is by paying close attention to your children 's good behavior, yet do not interrupt their expressions of endearment, by treating them with tenderness and respect; for example, just touch their shoulder or back. It is recommended that you give children 50 to 100 short touches of love every day.


  • Opportunities for reading: 

Books are a sea of ​​knowledge that transmits reading and comprehension skills to a child. Children can be taken to libraries or subscriptions to online books are also available that send books to your door at your discretion. The Internet is full of jokes and exciting games that enhance memory. Play board games with them that will improve parental memory too. 


Learning activity kits like Magic crate and Intellikit can be purchased online with appropriate activities for kids that develop their intelligence and problem-solving skills. Introducing your children to such games will not only sharpen their concentration levels but also help them to grasp the concept of working out many other ways to reach a solution. Learning programs at KCHs have a balanced learning environment where children learn while playing a monotony that breaks down and creates a constructive and fun way to learn for children who yearn for it.


  • Get Involved in After-School Activities: 

The Live and Learned Home-Based Program provides pre-planned activities with specially trained counselors and trainers each month that help with the overall development of each child. In such programs, children are introduced to group activities with the same purpose that helps to develop their leadership qualities and to learn how to resolve conflicts and effectively manage time and resources. Such a child-centered approach helps the child to grow to maturity and gives children and parents the opportunity to spend quality time doing things they love instead of struggling with homework and the curriculum.



Parents are the first teachers of a child. If your three year old is rude that means you probably are the same. And if he is good then you are probably the same. 

Тэги Education

Being The First Teacher: Role Of Parents In Child's Personality Development

Автор: Emily Hill 23.02.2022

As children grow up, it is the responsibility of the parent to provide the environment in which they grow up to be mature, compassionate, and confident. It is often seen that many parents go to extremes because of their love or firm discipline. In any case, it is a child who suffers and may lose his self-esteem. Loss of confidence leads to loss of self-confidence and in the future, they may not be able to cope with life's challenges successfully.


Being a parent will only be successful if your child learns to cope with even the most difficult of challenges. And once the problem is solved, he must learn to move on.


Role Of Parents In Child's Personality Development

Here are a few tips for a parental role in child development:


  • Let Him Be

Since every soul that comes into this world has its own identity, do not think that your child will be your model. As a parent, welcome your child in the right way and do not judge him or her for everything he or she does. For example, you are a hot person and your child is bored, don't focus too much on making him or her look like you. Let him be and give him time to express himself and learn the environment. You can take help from the TopAssignmentExperts platform if you are stuck anywhere. This platform also provides the C++ homework help


  • Do Not Hold Your Child In Any Stage

As a parent, we often feel like we know the best for a child and try to control his or her life based on our past experiences and ideas. He wants to protect her from any future failure in her new actions. However, whenever you try to guide him, remember that you are still learning, trying and checking his health.


A small branch takes all the angles a person can give. Let him make his own decisions, actions and results. This is the only way he can learn life lessons that can help him cope with real-life situations even without you. Do not hold back from saving him from any supposed failure. But yes, while she is learning to check health, be there to help her peacefully and whenever she needs you, reach out to help. When the opportunity arises, show your confidence in his abilities. If you show some skepticism, he will not be convinced of his abilities.


  •  Let Him Choose actions rather than worries

The child is really learning by example and you can set a good example for him. So, whenever you face adversity in your life, what do you think is the best way out? Is it worrying about the future or taking action to solve problems? Learning something new on your own is a great way to model your child’s learning process.


The role of parents in this phase is to teach their children to break free from anxiety, stay calm in difficult situations, and take the necessary steps to solve problems. And your child will be a powerful person in any bad or good experience he or she is experiencing.


  •  Respect Your Child's Feelings

Whenever a child expresses a particular emotion or negative emotion, the parents usually jump to conclusions. But let me tell you - it was one of the worst things you could do to your child because he or she would never learn to recognize the emotions he or she was experiencing.


The best course is to let go of resentment, whether positive or negative and let him or her come out of it. It is a person's emotions that lead him to do what is right or wrong. What you can do is hug her or listen to her calmly to express her feelings. This is very difficult for a parent to allow their child to go through emotionally difficult times, but I believe he will learn to deal with them kindly and maturely.


  • Allow Him to Respond to All His Decisions and Actions

Let your child be responsible for all his or her decisions and actions. Do not help him every time he feels trapped. Gradually, she will learn to make decisions that she can handle on her own. More than that, it will help him to face reality with his own strengths and weaknesses.


Later, as he grows up, he will have a sense of independence and peace of mind for all his actions. In other words, you will grow into a well-rounded, confident adult.


  • Discipline Him to Teach Him Not to Punish Him

Your behavior has a profound effect on your child's behavior. While discipline is important, it is also important that, although you do discipline, focus on teaching, not on punishing. Whenever he shows signs of immorality, it is because you have remained calm and self-controlled. Do not scold or spank him. Try to understand why she acted the way she did and how she felt. Manage the situation in such a way that your child gets a lesson in the future.



Parents play an important role in a child's life. They can make or break their child's life. You should act like you want your child to act. 

Тэги education

Raising Good Children: How To Develop Children's Decision Making Skills

Автор: Emily Hill 23.02.2022

At the end of each night, we have our children clean up after themselves. Most of those particles are in their chambers where all the toys they play with are piled up on the floor. If there was a competition to pick up the slowest toys, some children would be world champions. That coupled with their ability to play with all of their toys and leave them out for a day became a disaster recipe.


There can be times when your child does not clean the room. You can tell them that the wise decision would be to put their toys away when they finished playing. If they don't do that, you face the same problem. Eventually, you can start putting a timer in their room and tell them that anything they did not put in when the timer went off would be lost one day.


How To Develop Children's Decision Making Skills

Teaching children to make wise decisions can be a challenge, but it can also be done with the right strategy. Here are ways to teach your children to make good decisions. You can also take help from the ThanksForTheHelp platform, to develop decision-making skills. This platform also gives assignment help to your kid. 


Stop making mistakes

As parents, it is only natural for us to protect our children from any potential danger. But letting your children learn a valuable lesson in their mistakes and talking to them about the truth will give them a greater understanding.


  • Identify in the 'real world'

Our protective environment is to hide the cold and evil world from the eyes of our children. However, no teacher is better than a true helper. For example, you may have caught your child smoking. Instead of shutting him down for two weeks and verbally abusing him, download Internet images of smokers' lungs. This is much stronger in their mind than sitting in their room angry because they can’t get out on Friday night. You can still focus on them, of course, but with a real-life example of why you should do so.


  • Teach your child to know himself

One of the great keys to wisdom is to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and know who is looking backwards. Children who are able to distinguish their strengths and weaknesses are able to make better decisions based on their abilities. American Idol was a good example of this. We’ve been seeing new people in the show who believed they were great artists when the truth is clear. Children should be encouraged to try many amazing things, but be able to see that they will not succeed at all.


  • Learn what your child likes

Maybe they are in football. Maybe music, art, cooking, etc. Whatever it is, find or HELP your child find his or her interests. Then cite real-life examples of others who have similar interests and successes. This teaches that hard work and dedication are the keys to success and those qualities are very helpful in making decisions.


  • Talk to your child

Open communication is essential for raising children but is often difficult to achieve. The second time the child hears the lesson, he loses his ear. If you can find common ground where you connect with the real-life conversation with your child, you will gain valuable insights into how you think. This gives you the ability to know what decision to make before making a decision. If not, you can step in and take the lead.


  •  Share

Whether it is youth church groups, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, or any other social movement, getting your child involved will teach him or her life skills that will enhance his or her intelligence. It exposes him to the dangers of peer pressure and increases his chances of making the right decisions. The more a child loses a fool, the less likely he is to do so. One of the best ways to get involved in your child's life is to attend his or her school. Look to join or start All Pro Dad's Day.


  • Money, money, money

One of the best gifts you can give your child is to teach him how to manage money. If you can teach your child to handle money responsibly, that is likely to happen in other areas of his life. An ancient proverb says, "What profit is there in the hand of a fool when he doesn't love wisdom?"


  •  Jump To Praise

Often, parents are just as likely to focus on the children's needs. We want to fix their struggles. However, we may forget to praise them when they do well, as they often do. Example: "Dad, did you see me kick that 20 feet from the corner?" “Yes, your work is good, but you have had a few changes. You have to be very careful with the ball. ” Do you sound familiar? By commending our children when they do great things, it helps to strengthen the desire to make decisions so that they have the same results.



Decision-making skills are important for kids as they help your kids in future. These skills also broaden the thinking space of your kid. 

Тэги Education

Hacks For How To Do Homework Fast

Автор: emam shakil 04.02.2022

Esteemed late and great Coach John Wooden used to say, “Be quick, but don’t hurry.” The phrase that was directed towards his team of basketball players can be applied to virtually every aspect of life, including for students approaching their homework. Learning how to do homework fast is both an art and a skill.


While it’s not a race to the finish, applying the following tips and tricks can help you better manage your time. As a student, time management becomes one of the most important skills you can possess. This then transfers to your work at any job, and even the ability to balance your personal life with professional activities.


But, before we go further down this rabbit hole, let’s focus on the task at hand, which is to adopt techniques to finish your homework quickly.


Student’s workspace for homework with graph paper and supplies /


Tips for getting homework done quickly

These homework hacks can be utilized for more than just homework. For anything that you have to get done with immense focus and accuracy, consider applying the following:


1. Create a to-do list

One of the upsides of homework is that it’s black-and-white. You know exactly what you have to get done and by when. This makes it easier to create a prioritized to-do list. While making a to-do list may not seem like a big hack, it ends up being one of the most important and useful things to do along your homework journey.

Instead of opening your notebook and jumping right into the first homework assignment that comes to mind, take a few moments to review what you have to get done. To make this easier, use a homework agenda or planner, so you don’t forget your tasks. Once you have everything written out, consider due dates and the length of time it should take to cross them off the list.


Creating a to-do list that is in order of priority helps you to stay on track and also provides you with a burst of endorphins and a sense of accomplishment each time you put a check in the box of completion.


2. Remove distractions

Distractions come in many different shapes and sizes. From cell phone chimes and notifications to a sibling throwing jelly beans at you, distractions can be of any type. While you cannot control how others affect you while you work, you can take control of your own study space and habits.


Turn off your phone and electronic devices, leave them in a different room, or at least put them on silent. It’s become a habit that as soon as the screen lights up, most people stop what they are doing and take a peek. Whether you act on the notification or not, you’ve lost valuable time with the distraction. Then, you need to refocus your brain on your homework all over again. These small bouts of broken concentration add up to a lot of wasted time.



3. Estimate time

Getting your homework done quickly means that you have to first be aware of the time it takes. You can time yourself on different tasks to start gaining an understanding and general idea of what takes the most time. This way, you can work to sharpen specific skills to move faster. For example, if you’re a slow reader, then you can try to learn more about speed reading so that you can shave off time on this task.

Timing yourself is also a good idea because if all your due dates are the same for tasks, then you can at least order your to-do list based on time. If a certain homework assignment takes less time than another, it may be best to start off with that task. This not only helps you to reserve your energy for time-consuming tasks, but it also means that you get started off on a positive note by completing something quickly. You can use that momentum to continue pushing through your list.


4. Find your study location

Find the type of environment that best suits you to get work done. This could mean a coffee shop with some ambient background noise, or it could be a library so quiet that you can hear a pin drop. Every person has their own preferences when it comes to where they work the best. As long as you minimize your distractions, you can get your work done quickly given you’re in an optimal workspace.


5. Gather supplies

Say you sit down to do some math homework. Then, you realize you need a graphing calculator. So, you go to get one. You sit back down and get into the groove. But now, you have forgotten the graphing paper you need to draw the equation. It may not seem like a big deal to get back up and run to the next room for your supplies, but again, you’re losing time.


In the endeavor of minimizing wasted time, you should gather all your supplies in advance and take them with you to your workspace. In order to do this successfully, review your to-do list once again and make a mental note of everything you’ll need to get each line item done.



6. Take breaks

Breaks are not bad. Breaks are actually beneficial. However, not all breaks are made equally.


By taking breaks, you can recharge your energy and focus. This could actually translate into being able to focus for longer stretches of time. Approach your homework like you would a high-intensity interval training exercise regimen. This means that you’ll go hard for a certain amount of time (say 45-60 minutes), and then you’ll take a quick, but meaningful break (say for 15-20 minutes).


If you focus for longer amounts of time, then take a slightly longer break. This helps to avoid burnout. Your body and mind will thank you for taking healthy breaks (i.e., a short walk, stretching, or any other activity that doesn’t require too much mental capacity).


7. Reward yourself

You’re the master of your own fate (and homework). So, if you thought that it would take you 45 minutes to finish your coding exercise, but you finished it in 30 minutes, you can apply those saved 15 minutes to a reward.


By celebrating small wins, you will continue to motivate yourself to get your work done in a timely manner. Alternatively, if you don’t want to take long breaks between your tasks, you can accrue your time and spend it all doing whatever brings you joy once you finish your homework to-do list.

Esteemed late and great Coach John Wooden used to say, “Be quick, but don’t hurry.” The phrase that was directed towards his team of basketball players can be applied to virtually every aspect of life, including for students approaching their homework. Learning how to do homework fast is both an art and a skill.


While it’s not a race to the finish, applying the following tips and tricks can help you better manage your time. As a student, time management becomes one of the most important skills you can possess. This then transfers to your work at any job, and even the ability to balance your personal life with professional activities.


But, before we go further down this rabbit hole, let’s focus on the task at hand, which is to adopt techniques to finish your homework quickly.


Student’s workspace for homework with graph paper and supplies /


How To Do Your Homework Faster
These homework hacks can be utilized for more than just homework. For anything that you have to get done with immense focus and accuracy, consider applying the following:


1. Create a to-do list

One of the upsides of homework is that it’s black-and-white. You know exactly what you have to get done and by when. This makes it easier to create a prioritized to-do list. While making a to-do list may not seem like a big hack, it ends up being one of the most important and useful things to do along your homework journey.

Instead of opening your notebook and jumping right into the first homework assignment that comes to mind, take a few moments to review what you have to get done. To make this easier, use a homework agenda or planner, so you don’t forget your tasks. Once you have everything written out, consider due dates and the length of time it should take to cross them off the list.


Creating a to-do list that is in order of priority helps you to stay on track and also provides you with a burst of endorphins and a sense of accomplishment each time you put a check in the box of completion.


2. Remove distractions

Distractions come in many different shapes and sizes. From cell phone chimes and notifications to a sibling throwing jelly beans at you, distractions can be of any type. While you cannot control how others affect you while you work, you can take control of your own study space and habits.


Turn off your phone and electronic devices, leave them in a different room, or at least put them on silent. It’s become a habit that as soon as the screen lights up, most people stop what they are doing and take a peek. Whether you act on the notification or not, you’ve lost valuable time with the distraction. Then, you need to refocus your brain on your homework all over again. These small bouts of broken concentration add up to a lot of wasted time.



3. Estimate time

Getting your homework done quickly means that you have to first be aware of the time it takes. You can time yourself on different tasks to start gaining an understanding and general idea of what takes the most time. This way, you can work to sharpen specific skills to move faster. For example, if you’re a slow reader, then you can try to learn more about speed reading so that you can shave off time on this task.

Timing yourself is also a good idea because if all your due dates are the same for tasks, then you can at least order your to-do list based on time. If a certain homework assignment takes less time than another, it may be best to start off with that task. This not only helps you to reserve your energy for time-consuming tasks, but it also means that you get started off on a positive note by completing something quickly. You can use that momentum to continue pushing through your list.


4. Find your study location

Find the type of environment that best suits you to get work done. This could mean a coffee shop with some ambient background noise, or it could be a library so quiet that you can hear a pin drop. Every person has their own preferences when it comes to where they work the best. As long as you minimize your distractions, you can get your work done quickly given you’re in an optimal workspace.


5. Gather supplies

Say you sit down to do some math homework. Then, you realize you need a graphing calculator. So, you go to get one. You sit back down and get into the groove. But now, you have forgotten the graphing paper you need to draw the equation. It may not seem like a big deal to get back up and run to the next room for your supplies, but again, you’re losing time.


In the endeavor of minimizing wasted time, you should gather all your supplies in advance and take them with you to your workspace. In order to do this successfully, review your to-do list once again and make a mental note of everything you’ll need to get each line item done.



6. Take breaks

Breaks are not bad. Breaks are actually beneficial. However, not all breaks are made equally.


By taking breaks, you can recharge your energy and focus. This could actually translate into being able to focus for longer stretches of time. Approach your homework like you would a high-intensity interval training exercise regimen. This means that you’ll go hard for a certain amount of time (say 45-60 minutes), and then you’ll take a quick, but meaningful break (say for 15-20 minutes).


If you focus for longer amounts of time, then take a slightly longer break. This helps to avoid burnout. Your body and mind will thank you for taking healthy breaks (i.e., a short walk, stretching, or any other activity that doesn’t require too much mental capacity).


7. Reward yourself

You’re the master of your own fate (and homework). So, if you thought that it would take you 45 minutes to finish your coding exercise, but you finished it in 30 minutes, you can apply those saved 15 minutes to a reward.


By celebrating small wins, you will continue to motivate yourself to get your work done in a timely manner. Alternatively, if you don’t want to take long breaks between your tasks, you can accrue your time and spend it all doing whatever brings you joy once you finish your homework to-do list.

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