Triangular theory of love examples

Автор: Nicole Hernandez 19.12.2018

Triangular Theory of Love - Essay Example



❤️ : Triangular theory of love examples










It states how love can be described in three components which form a triangle. Not the other way around :. Companionate Love Intimacy + Commitment At the other end of the drama scale to romantic love is companionate love.

triangular theory of love examples


Are there different types of love? Anonymous When does loving someone become using someone for material things, ex.

triangular theory of love examples


Triangular Theory of Love - Essay Example - Whether we accept it or not, we all strive to have a deepening soul connection with another human being. Personal commitments make relationships more satisfying while moral commitments makes them last longer.

triangular theory of love examples


This means there are some dimensions of love that interrelate to different degrees to bring about the difference in the various types of relationships. Dimensions of love Stenberg 1988 developed a model of love that recognises three vertices or dimensions of love. These are passion, intimacy and commitment. According to his Triangular Theory of Love, the three dimensions or vertices of love are the major components of love. Passion is the motivational dimension of love and reflects sexual desire, romance and attraction. This indicates mutual attraction between two people. In other words, they are in love and this greatly interrelates with sexual attraction between them. This indicates that there is deep bonding between the love partners. Passion is critical in a marriage relationship because the chemistry between marriage partners is its future. This means that passion is a key aspect in a romantic love hence marriage partners lacking passion between them have to undergo bonding exercises. Intimacy is the component of love that involves trust, feelings of closeness and the sharing of innermost thoughts between people. According to Sternberg 1988 , intimacy is the process in which a person makes efforts to get close to another person and this is achieved by exploring the similarities and differences in the way they behave, feel and think. Intimacy develops more and more as partners reveal more about themselves to each other. This increases their knowledge about each other and in this way, trust build and this makes the two people feel accepted. Sternberg 1988 states that removing our masks and revealing our true selves nurtures love. In the triangle of love, commitment is the decision and efforts to maintain a long-lasting caring relationship. These reflect personal commitment. Moral commitment involves protecting marriage at all costs and holding to the believe that marriage is a lifelong relationship no matter the circumstances faced. Constraint commitment makes people to continue with a relationship because they fear the emotional, social and financial costs of ending the relationship. Personal commitments make relationships more satisfying while moral commitments makes them last longer. How passion, intimacy and commitment interrelate to identify a specific type of love relationship According to Sternberg 1988 the type of a love relationship is determined by the degree to which a relationship demonstrates the three components of love. Sternberg states that the various combinations of the three components of love creates seven subtypes of love namely liking, romantic love, infatuated love, empty love, fatuous love, compassionate love and consummate love. Romantic love is developed where there are high levels of passion and intimacy but lower levels of commitment. Initially, physical sprouts quickly and dominates the relationship but a healthy love relationship is characterized by a steady increase in intimacy. When this passion cools, the intimacy in this relationship fosters a companionate type of love between the two people. In companionate love, there are love is an affection for the people we are bound to. Liking involves low levels of passion and commitment but high levels of intimacy. People in empty love relationships are Read More These social networks, in which we live, enable the individuals to come in contact with each other and increase the odds of familiarity. According to DeLamater 2006 attraction usually occurs between a person P and others O only if there is a mutual awareness and some kind of minimal interaction between the two. The two scholars investigated the components of love by dividing them into three thereafter investigating one, passion, which they discovered had similar tendencies as addiction thus validating their definition of love as such. Despite the relativity of the definitions by the several scholars, they all contend that love is different from attraction since attraction is a process while love is the result of such a process as the discussion below portrays. The writer thinks that the result of a relationship would be either monetary or emotional depending on the level and type of relationship. The outcome of a relationship may be self-satisfactory or may cause harm to the parties involved. A positive relation will imply people interact freely. The result of any relation will be determined by internal factors.

10 Triangular theory of love Robert Sternberg


Each triangular theory of love examples has its own solo of love and provides different combinations to create different types of love and labels for them. All of my relationships would have been muted and not as deeply felt. Also he calling the person little woman, after they have consumated their love, sexually, changing all the promises that he made to the between after two months of intense passion. Many people are committed to the love of another person without necessarily even admitting that they love or are in love with that person. According to the Spearmanian model, love is a single bundle of positive feelings. Nonlove refers simply to the glad of all three components of love. Duplex Theory of Love: Triangular Theory of Love and Theory of Love as a Story The duplex theory of love integrates what previously were two separate theories: the triangular theory of love and the theory of love as a story. Glad love felt between two people means that they each feel a sense of high regard for each other. More important, it enlists sexuality under the banner of love, subduing sex itself to the ends of love. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. The two elements investigated the components of love by dividing them into three thereafter investigating one, passion, which they discovered had similar tendencies as addiction thus validating their definition of love as such.


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