
Автор: Angela Jones 18.12.2018




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- Bionaries,aiid tho wild tribes amongst whom they are located bo kept under any control; and by blows such as that inflicted in the confiscation of tho Nanaimo Packet, tho salo of liquor to Indians, tho cause of nearly all Indian outrages towards white people, as well JOURNAL May Villi.



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Sib, In obodienco to your request, conveyed to mo by letter of the 17th instant from tlie rrivato Secretary, I have the honor to lay before you, enclosed herewith, a Journal of the procecdincH during the recent visit of His Excellency the late Governor Seymour to tho North AVost Coast in 11. Sparrowhawk, and 1 tako tho opportunity of appending tho following remarks thereon. It is a matter of congratulation that the settlement of tho murderous quarrel carried on during the jiast twelve months between the Noas and Chimpsean Tribes, which was tho main object of our lamontod Governor's visit to this part of tho Colony, has boon so fully and satisfactorily accomplished. I'rora information obtained from Mr. A Naas Indian, Ibrmorly resident at Metlakatlah, gave a feuFt on tho occasion of his marriage to a Chiefs daughter to members of both tho Kaus and Chimpsean Tribes, who up to that time had been living on most friendly terms. We wero fortunate enough to detect this Schooner, after a twelve months' immunitv, in tho act of again dispensing liquor to the same Indians omongst whom the quarrel betwoen thoso tribos origiiiatod, and nlmoHl, at tlio very plaeo where it arose. Her soiguro and condemnation after duo enquiry had a very salutary and timely effect in showing to tho tribes of that neighbourhood that Government aro able and determined to punish offenders against the law whether white people or Indians. In tho fight which followed tho accidental killing of thcNaas Indian, two Chimpsean Chiefs wero killcil ; and, in accordance with tho savage requirement of Indian law, tho loss of these Chiefs had to bo compensated by the slaughter of an equivalent in number and rank of tho opposite tribe. Thus, murder followed murder in continual succession, with no prospect of complete satisfaction on either side. There was no real ground for tho hostility of those tribes towards ouch other; they wore on tho contrary, anxious to bo at jjcaco, so as to avail themselves of tho spring fishery in the Naas Elver, which affords the main source of subsistence to all tho Indians of this neighbourhood. Without the interposition of some powerful peace- maker, however, reconciliation was impracticable; and this quarrel might have lasted for years, with ever increasing waste of blood, but for the intervention which ensured its complcto cessation. Tho murder of the throe Naas Indians resident at Kincolith did not originate in or indicate 111 feeling towards that Mission Station. Tomlinson and his work aro hold in respect by both contending parties, as well as by the Indians generally along that jiart of tho Coast, and there is no reason to suppose that his life was at any time iu danger. And here it may bo observed that, however admirable the sjiirit and intention of such Misnion Stations, iiiid however valuable their humanizing infhienee, on tho surrounding savage tribes, tending directly to tho discontinuance of barbarous customs such as have given rise to the outrages and disturbances now under reference It is questionable how far the ostalili. Hhnu'nt of such posts should be encouraged In situations so n'lnote from the centre of iovernment as JCIiuolilh, « liile a fiehrfor Missionary labour, extending for four hundred miles southward along the Coast from Ifetlakatlah remains entirely uiioccnjiied. It may coiitidently lio cxpi'clcd tliat a moro Halutniy and liiMliiij; cllrit will I'csiili li'oin llii' pt'i'snasivi' liiit linn cuiii'so adopted townrds the Ntin8 mill. Motlakalluh and Fori Simpson enquiry was made into the merits of tho conviilioii and fine of Mr. Trader at Fort Simpson, by Air. Diiiioan Acting as Justicp of tbo I'caco. Tolmio, acting for tho Jliidsoii's Jiay tJoiiipany, for tbo Governor's consideration. Upon investigation of tho case on the spol. Mission Hlalion at Motlakalluh has been so fully described by otbora, and tho benclilB ciiiiferrod directly on tbo Jiidians of the noigbbourinp tribes, and indirectly on IbeOilony al large, by Air. Dull' an's laliors on the North-west Coast, are now so generally ackiiow ledgod tliiit 1 mod only add an expression of my appreciation of tho great import- ance of llie nsiilts tliiit have been nocomplishcd by that gentleman's christian zeal, courage, and singular persistence of purpose, combined with remarkablo ability and udaptaijilily lor this particular work, 'llie only fear is that, should the Alission bo deprived of bis services, very much of tbo good work effected by him among tho Indians, will bo undone for lack ol bis suslaining presence in their midst. It is impossible to exercise any supervision or control over oitlior Indiunii or Wbito poopio nt such remote posts; quarrels arise, the real origin of which it is often impossible to oscortain, and Government is called on lo punish the Indians, without its Doing proved that they ore actually more blamablo than their accusers. It is obvious from tbo bonoficial results of tho lato cniiso of tho Sparrow- hawk, bow desirable it is that a Ship of War should periodically visit tho various Hottlomoiits, Alission Stations, and Indians Villages along tbo Coast. Bv such means only, can any measure of protection be given to the scattered Settlors and Mis- salo ,ns, tho cause of nearly all Indian outrages as among themselves, will be rendered fc hazordous a business that tho trodo must soon be extinguished in that part of tbo Colony. Some duly authorized Oflieial Agent of the Colonial Government should, however, bo sent in ail cases on board of shipH engaged in such missions, to share, if not to boar wholly, thi; rcs ionsibility of any extraoriliimry proceedings that events may ncccssitato; for Officers in command of Her Alajosty's Ships, although holding Commissions aa Justices ol' tho I'caco, may roasonablj' bo supposed to bo disinclined to take decisive action in police matters which can hardly bo considered within their proper jurisdiction, iinu wliii h may involve questions of material importance and great pecuniary interest to tho Colony. I have tho honor to bo, Sir, Your most obedient Servant, JOSKni AV. Bionaries,aiid tho wild tribes amongst whom they are located bo kept under any control; and by blows such as that inflicted in the confiscation of tho Nanaimo Packet, tho salo of liquor to Indians, tho cause of nearly all Indian outrages towards white people, as well JOURNAL May Villi. Sporrowliawk, in Efquinialt flarbour, at 4 p. At a uartcr pant 4, the anchor was weighed, and we. The lovcrnor's health, which had been indifferent for some days past, seenieU to improve from the moiucct he got on board ship. I there went ashore, in company with Jlr. Lowndes, and culled on the Uesident Magistrate, Captain Spalding, who went off to wait upon the covcrnor, and remained on board to dinner. The Oovernor was at table, feeling much better and stronger. I went ashore this aflerrioon and arranged. Steamer Suwanee, in Shad- woU pnHunge. Moss has established a trading post at this point, near the site of the old Hudson Bay Company's Fort, relinquished 20 years ago, when Fort Rupert was established. The liella-Bclla Indian village is situated on the opposite side of the Inlet, and about a mile distant from BIoss'. Moss came on board and informed us that Captain Pender of the Beaver was at Kynumpt Harbour, about seven miles further on ; we therel'ore, having handed to Mr. Moss hastily written letters to be forwarded to Victoria by the Otter, proceeded to Kynumpt, and anchored near the Beaver at 7 p. Captain I'ender came on board to call on the Governor, and remained to dinner. In the forenoon Mr. Lowndes and myself went on board the Beaver with Captain Mist. Captain Pender told me that he had been informed, on what he considered good authority, that the scliooner Nanaimo Packet, which had been engaged in trading li Uor to Indians, was now again in the Naas River employed in the old busines 1. Soon after we anchored it came on to blow in very heavy squalls, and throughont tho night and until past noon next day we had very stormy weather with heavy rains. We landed near the waterfall and tried to make our way back to the Big Lake, of which the river that forms tho waterfall is the outlet. But ns we could not find any trail, we were unable to make auy pro- gress through the dense undergrowth along the river bank. Duncan's house, at about 2 p. We were soon surrounded by canoes full of Indians anxious to trade. Having no pilot on board, and as none of the officers of the present commission, with the exception of tho Surgeon, had been here before, it was not considered prudent to take the ship into the inner harbour. From the distance at which we lay this Mission Station has quite a town-like appearance. Duncan came off soon after the ship was anchored, and had an interview with tho Governor, who arranged to go ashore the next day. We returned on board at a uarter past one, and during the afternoon many canoes were again alongside, olfering furs for sale. Duncan eame olfand dined with the i'uvcrnor. In the forenoon the Governor, accompanied by JFr Lowndes, Captain Mist, and myself, went ashore. The iovernor had a long conversation with Mr. Tonilinson's Jlission Station near the nmuth of the Naas, who were killed by the Cliimpseans about 3 miles froiu Kincolith. The iovernor determined, alter hearing. Duncan was rci uested by the governor to aceonipany us tn the Naas Itivcr in the ,Sparrowhawk, as interpreter. The Indian who gave the feiist, on the occasion ol his marriage with the daughter of a Naas Chief, which led to tho Hubse uent outrages, had up to that time been settled at Metlakatlah, and was now again residing at that place. Ho was therefore, also, taken up to the Naas Uiver with us. In the afternoon, Jlv. Duneaii's school of 40 girls and ilU boys came on board to visit the man- of-war, and were shown over the ship. Metlakatlah at about 9 a. Sim ison alter a very disagreeable run in thick foggy weather, at about I p. The Governor, neeompaiiied by Mr. Cunningham's absence, the latter gentlenuin having gone to visit the Company's branch station on the Naas Uiver. After visiting the Fort, the Iovernor, with Mr. Captain Mist and myself reii: lining to visit the Indian villages; antl whilst so occupied, we were joined by Mr. I had then a conversation with that gentleman, in rel'ercjice to the disturbed condition of the Indians of the Xaas and Cliimpscan tribes. Junningham told me hat he had seen the Scliooncr Nani'. On the subject of the fine inflicted on him by Mr. Duncan last year, on conTiction of selling licjuor to Indians. Cunningham said lie was now aware that the man Hans liranson, employed under him at the Fort, had been in the habit of trading liquor obtained from him Mr. Cunningham to the Indians for furs, which were alUrwards purchased from liranson by him as agent oi' the Hudson Hay Comiiauy. Ho now perceived that these circumstances afforded strong grounds for tho suspicion that ho Mr. We found tho schooner Nanaimo I'aeket at anchor about two miles up stream, and a boat was at once sent to search her, but no liquor was found on board in excess of the quantity which her permit allowed her to c. Still a watch was kept to prevent her getting away, until we could commu- nicate with the Indians at the villages above, from whom we expected to got decisive informa- tion of their having obtained liquor on board the schooner. Kincolith Mission Station was established under the charge of the Uev. TomlinsoD, about two years ago. The buildings consist of a. Shortly after we anchored. Lowndes, and myself started for the shore, but were unable to land as the the tide was low, so that tho boat grounded when we were still 200 yards from tho beach. We were, therefore, obliged to return to the ship, but in the afternoon, at about half- past two o'clock, the tide having risen, wo succeeded in n aking a landing, and were met by Mr. Tomlinson, who shewed fus the different buildings at this station, after inspecting which wo called on Mrs. Tomlinson, who has been residing licre for lie past twelve months. Tomlinson further accounts of the disturbances that had taken place among the Indians in this neighbourhood during the past year. He dwelt especially on the murder, by the Chimp- scans, ol the three Indians then resident at his station, as a marked act of hostility to his Mission, 'ihc facts arc, that the Cbinipseans, in making their way from the light in which they had just been engaged, unfortu'iately encountered, at a point about three miles above Kinco- lith, a canoe in which were three Imlians then resident at Kiiieolilh, but who belonged to Iho tribe of Nuns Imlians with whom tlioy liad just beon fljrhting. Thny murihroj these ilofcnoc- lc»» people, bueauso they buluiif. I nm Hatislioil that tbcy iiail no intention of expressing by thiaactnny luniity to Mr. Timiliuivin or his worls; but thoy eoulJ iiot dinasHo- eittte these Indians from the ho. It being Siioday, Mr. May 31sIii'1im, linwl 6. Duncan, who liad tlifir IriiP wdliiru at licait. The lovernor then reliiriicd on hoard, and tliu Indiana weru I'ua-lcd witli varioua good tliingH provided I'ur tlicm liy his order. About iioiin we came up with a small. As, however, there was no reason to doiiht the truth of thi' account given of her hy the milliter, the sloop wa. Sound, and laiil a courhe lor JSUidegat. Captain I'cihIci' ciiiiic on l. Another littor lioni Caplain i. Arnnif-'omontH wiTO also mado hy Captain Mist with. Koakc lo supply III cords of llrowood, to ho bioiifrht oirtu tho nliip. In the al'lenieon I wi ill a. Lowndes, Captain Mist, and other ollieers of the. The Hudson Hay Company's trading po. The village consists of nine lodges, inhabited by about 'JO l people. Tlie Jliidseu Hay Company's establishment tinsisls of a frame 8 store, witli dwelling rooms attached, without stockade or protection of any kind. Fi-nke is the onlj white man at this post. Only 17 cords of wood could be got on board, in consequence of the high wind, and that not until late in the evening. June Wlh — Wo got under weigh at 2-30 a. Here Captain Mist, Mr. Lowndes, and myself went ashore to visit the coal workings at that place, and with the intention of getting off some coal so as to avoid the necessity of stopping at Nannimo. The tide was so low, however, that we should have bad to wait 6 hours before tliere would have been water to float thi! The coal crops out on the beach where we landed, and extends back, rising very gradually in a direction nearly west, tho vein having a sliglit dip to the southward. The CBal hitherto taken out has been mostly obtained by stripping off the overlying surface, the stratification being so nearly horizontiil. But a tunnel has been run, striking the vein at about 100 feet from its mouth, from which some tiO tons of coal have been taken, and are now on the jetty waitinj» for tho Beaver. Tho vein is thin, but tho quality of coal, especially that taken from the tunnel appears excellent, and its value for stejjm purposes has been fully established by practical experi- ment, and I much regret we could not have the opportunity of furtlier proving it in the Sparrowhiiwk. The country for some miles back from the coast at this point appears modoiately low and rcgiilur, and from the character of the formation where we landed, I should couc'. Wc got on board again a little after 8 o'clock, and got under weigh at once, proceeding slowly at first on account of a thick bank of fog, which ren- dered the navigation d-ngerous in the narrrow channel we were in. Lowndes and myself at once went ashore, and took the sad news of the Governor's death to Victoria.

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Duncan last year, on conTiction of selling licjuor to Indians. As, however, there was no reason to doiiht the truth of thi' account given of her hy the milliter, the del wa. Always bear in mind that with Maplandia. La Cat by Mr. Let dAtailt de cet exempiairfi qui sont peut-6tre uniques du point de vue bibliographique, qui peuvent modifier une image reproduite, ou qui peuvent exiger une modification dans https mdthode normaie de fiimage sont indiqu6s ci-dessous. Tolmio, glad for tho Jliidsoii's Jiay tJoiiipany, for tbo Governor's consideration.